What’s On
Social Algorithms 11.0
Social Algorithms 11.0
5 - 14 JULY 2024
This year, our central theme revolves around "The Evolution of Seoul as a City." Seoul, with its millennia of history, has seen drastic transformations, influenced not just by its residents, but also by its architecture. This workshop aims to delve deeper into this interplay between Seoul's architecture and its social systems, exploring how each has influenced the other’s evolution.
올해의 주제는 '도시로서의 서울의 진화'입니다. 수천년의 역사를 지닌 서울은 주민뿐만 아니라 건축물의 영향을 받아 급격한 변화를 겪었습니다. 이번 워크샵에서는 서울의 건축과 사회 시스템 사이의 상호 작용을 더 깊이 탐구하고, 각각 서로의 진화에 어떤 영향을 미쳤는지를 탐구하고자 합니다.
Real City Euljiro, Unit 4 of Studio X in Yonsei UNIV.
Sensing and Simulation, AAVS Seoul 23, Unit 3
Workshop Outline:
Phenotype Exploration: Building on last year’s theme, we will continue our research into the social and spatial structure of Seoul's life forms. This unit will focus on the tangible, observable aspects of Seoul's architectural and social evolution.
Genotype Discovery: Moving beyond the visible, this unit will dive deep into the unseen forces, the underlying rules, and systems that have shaped Seoul. It’s an exploration into the city's DNA, so to speak.
Design & Computational Experimentation: Participants will engage in design charrettes, using computational tools to simulate future scenarios for Seoul based on its observed Phenotypes and understood Genotypes.
Lecture Series:
Experts in architecture, urban planning, sociology, and computational design will share insights, challenging participants to think critically about Seoul's past, present, and future evolution.
Debates and Roundtables:
Encouraging a culture of dialogue, participants will engage in debates, arguing various standpoints based on their research and findings. This will help refine ideas and cultivate a holistic understanding of the topic.
Final Presentation & Exhibition: Participants will showcase their findings, designs, and projections for the future evolution of Seoul as a city, culminating in a public exhibition for residents and city planners.
NYIT/ Andrew Franz Architect
Parsons School of Design
/ University of Basel
Eureka / Keio University
TheLittleThings AI
Fumi Kashimura
TERRAIN architect / Tokyo University
Who can apply?
Anyone who is majored in Architecture, City, Urbanism, Landscape, and interested in Social, Computation and Design.Do I need to know the software well?
No previous software skills are required.Will lectures be conducted in English?
Yes, all the lectures and tutorials will be conducted in English. However, it is possible to communicate in Korean with instructors and lectures if they are Korean speakers depending on situations.How many hours will tutorials be?
It might different from each unit. However, you will need to product your project every day for the final presentation since it is 9-days intensive workshop, which means you will need to use your own time beside tutorials.Will it be online or in person?
Workshop will run on-site in person, but may include partial online activities depending on situations.
Any further question: please contact us aavsseoul@social-algorithms.com
누가 지원할 수 있나요?
건축, 도시, 환경을 전공하고 사회, 소통 디자인 및 컴퓨테이셔널 디자인 등에 관심이 있는 누구나 신청가능합니다.각종 프로그램을 사용할 줄 알아야 하나요?
프로그램 및 툴에 대한 어떠한 사전 지식 없이도 참여가 가능합니다.수업은 영어로만 진행되나요?
전체가 함께하는 행사나 발표 및 수업 등은 기본적으로 영어로 진행됩니다. 다만 상황에 따라 한국어 선생님과 한국어로 작업에 대한 소통이 가능합니다.수업은 몇시간 동안 진행하는 건가요?
각 유닛에 따라 수업시간은 다를 수 있습니다. 하지만 9일이라는 짧은 시간동안 진행되는 워크샵의 특성상 최선의 결과를 만들어내기 위해 밀도 높은 수업을 진행하며, 워크샵 기간동안 수업 이외의 시간에도 작업이 필요할 것이라 생각됩니다.대면수업으로 진행되나요?
기본적으로 대면수업으로 진행됩니다. 다만 상황에 따라 대면/비대면 하이브리드 형태의 수업이 일부 진행될 수도 있습니다.
다른 질문이 있으시면 언제든지 aavsseoul@social-algorithms.com 로 이메일 보내주시기 바랍니다.
Discounts are available for a group of 3 or more participants. Please get in touch with the Visiting School office or Social Algorithms for a concession code.
Discounts are available for a former AAVS Seoul, Social Algorithms, or SD Platform participants. Please contact aavsseoul@social-algorithms.com for a concession code.
More discounts are available for a group of returning students, please contact aavsseoul@social-algorithms.com
Programme Directors: Jaewon Yi, Dae Song Lee
Programme Coordinator: Hanjun Kim
Programme Committees: Jinseok Park, Jooeun Sung, Soomeen Hahm, Seungah Choi