Social Algorithms 9.0
Social Algorithms 9.0 : K- ( )
Social Algorithms 9.0 : K- ( )
15 JUL- 24 JUL 2022
“The most personal is the most creative.” Bong Joon-Ho, film director of ‘Parasite’ from his acceptance speech at the Oscars 2020.
The Oxford English Dictionary recently updated a series of K-words, reflecting the changes of the global society beyond its borders. AA Visiting School Seoul of 2022 is looking for the next “K-( )” whether cultural, social, or architectural.
Taking advantage of being Seoul-based, this year’s theme has been chosen to flourish the various approaches, expecting the creative interpretation of contemporary issues placed on the discourse table. The new K-( ) can be emerged by investigation and intervention on a series of issues related to the urban conditions, and new thoughts can be tested for realisation and transformation of form and arrangement.
It can appear anyhow, anywhere, and in any figure. Whether as a new typology, sociocultural feature or spatial agent, whether artificial or natural, the new K-( ) responds to contemporary urban and architectural design. A city’s history and locality are inherited and embedded in architecture. This could be a social intervention in space, a generative design, or any new idea you have and we would like to welcome you and share your thoughts.
AAVS Seoul has been researching ‘Social’, ‘Algorithms’ and their co-location in the experimental architecture and urbanism for the last 10 years, and aims to open up a discourse platform adopting new design and pedagogical methodologies. The programme will run as intensive 10-day workshop with a series of lectures. Workshop will run on-site but may include partial online activities, subject to Covid-situation.
Day 1 - Introduction
Day 5 - SA Members Talk
Day 10- Final Crit : Unit 1
Day 10- Final Crit : Unit 2
Day 10- Final Crit : Unit 3
Day 10- Final Crit : Unit 4